For anyone who has participated in the Bread Pool since the Covid-19 hiatus year of 2020, your BP account is already registered. At the outset of each Bread Pool, all those accounts are INACTIVE. The only way to activate your account is to pay your entry fee(s).
PLEASE DO NOT circumvent the system by re-registering. If you can't recall your login, email I don't have access to passwords, but you can reset your password after I send your login.
As a first-time BreadHead in 2025, you're required to register on the RYP software that we use to score the BP. It only takes a minute or so, and you're set for as long as your care to compete. But please don't register until you're ready to submit your entry fee(s). In fact, you should register and then immediately submit payment (go to PAYMENT CENTER page) so that I have an account to which to credit your payment.
Because the Bread Pool is an invitation-only affair, please add a third step by emailing and letting me know who referred your (and allow me to extend a proper welcome!).
Note that some BreadHeads who haven't been active in several years may have to re-register.
For Meadow of Shame winners who opted for credit during the previous 12 months and wish to expend your credits on the 29th Annual Bread Pool, simply email to let me know how many seats you wish to reserve for our St. Paddy's shindig, and how many credits you have remaining. I'll double-check your info against my database and email you if there's a discrepancy.
Within 24 hours (or 24 minutes, depending on your luck) you can affirm your 2025 entry by scrolling to the bottom of this page, where every BP29 participant is listed in alphabetical order, along with the number of seats (brackets) he/she has purchased. If you purchase additional brackets later, they'll be added to your total. If you're eligible for Pick 5 entries, they'll be listed on the PICK5 page.
It's fun to keep up with the comings and goings of BreadHeads over the years. If you checked out the home page of this site, you'll see that a number of former Bread Pool champions have relocated since winning their titles. If you have, as well, please email to share the news of your new town. I'll update your profile and bracket(s) . . . the email connection helps me memorize your new update!
Between 5-6 p.m. on March 16 -- Selection Sunday -- all BP29 challengers will be emailed a notice that there's a new link on the home menu of our site: MY BRACKETS.
Assuming you've submitted payment and your account has been activated, you can click MY BRACKETS and point-and-click your way through 63 games in each digital bracket you purchased.
You can edit and re-edit until your brackets until your heart's content -- or keep the madness at bay by purchasing more brackets -- until the 29th Annual Bread Pool gets underway at 9 a.m. Pacific on March 20.
Although 68 teams will be called on Selection Sunday (March 16), the Bread Pool does not get underway until Thursday, March 20, after the First Four games in Dayton, Ohio (March 18-19) have winnowed the field to the main bracket of 64 teams. You're free to edit your bracket(s) according to the results of the First Four games. It's worth noting that five First Four survivors have gone on to win eight main-bracket games in the past four NCAA Tournaments (including a Final Four run by UCLA in 2021).
Chad Abel (Beaver Dam, WI) * 4
Richard Bink (Savannah, GA) * 3
Blair Brown (San Mateo, CA) * 3
Cliff Daft (Indio, CA) * 3
John Ferguson (Irving, TX) * 3
Greg Fava (Redwood City, CA) * 3
Eric Lease (Hilliard, OH) * 3
Jerry Jones (Alameda, CA) * 1
Steven Jones (Alameda, CA) * 1
Jason Miller (Lake For. Prk, WA) * 3
Scott McWhorter (Houston, TX) * 4
Ryan Peckham (Aledo, TX) * 4
Gregg Potter (Palm Desert, CA) * 3
Dave Pridgen (Disco Bay, CA) * 4
Mike Taylor (Alameda, CA) * 6
Kevin Young (San Rafael, CA) * 1
Anyone who purchased at least 3 seats (brackets) in a single transaction will earn a free entry in our $1,000 Pick 5 contest. Adiditonal multiples of 3 brackets will earn additional Pick 5 entries.