For every three brackets (seats) you purchase as part of a single-package for a single participant, you'll receive one complimentary entry into the 2025 Pick 5 contest. A 6+ bracket package earns two Pick 5 entries, etc. Shortly after you pay your qualifying entry fee, your name will appear on the alphabetical roster (by last name) at the bottom of this page. If you purchased 6+ brackets, your name will appear as #1 and #2 on the roster, etc.
If you participated in the Pick 5 contest in 2023 or 2024, you'll be automatically registered for the 2025 Pick 5 after purchasing your qualifying bracket package. If you have not participated -- that is, you haven't purchased at least three brakets in either of the last two Bread Pools -- simply register using the link below as soon as your name appears on the alphabetical roster.
The Pick 5 contest goes live at 6 pm Pacific on Selection Sunday, March 16.
Chad Abel (Beaver Dam, WI)
Richard Bink (Savannah,GA)
Blair Brown (San Mateo, CA)
Cliff Daft (Indio, CA)
Greg Fava (Redwood City, CA)
John Ferguson (Irving, TX)
Scott McWhorter (Houston, TX)
Jasonn Miller (Lake Forest Park, WA)
Ryan Peckham (Aledo, TX)
Gregg Potter (Palm Desert, CA)
Dave Pridgen (Discovery Bay, CA)
Mike Taylor #1 (Alameda, CA)
Mike Taylor #2 (Alameda, CA)