Please park on Bolinas Road. You'll walk into Sherwood Oaks Aparments at this sign, and walk just a few yards before seeing the stairs on your left. Climb stairs to the driveway, turn right and walk most of the length of the buiding -- you'll see signs advertising "YARD SALE." At the last stairwell (marked by sign), climb two flights to Apartment 11. To make it even easier to find, the deck will be festooned with blinking holiday lights (not much help during the day). If you purchase something bulky, we;ll show you how to move your car to the carport under the apartment. You must bring your own muscle to carry purchase(s) downstarirs and load into your vehicle; I'm recovering from a gnarly bike accident.
Most of my artwork is Cost Plus World Market stuff; the exception is iconic Southwestern artist Irene Klar's seminal 1988 limited-edition (125) print, Out Past Round Rock (pictured).
Including matting and gorgeous while-oak frame (original from gallery) it measures 44" x 35."
42" Insignia Fire TV comes with thousnds of Prime Video choices for free (assuming you subscribe to Amazon Prime for deliveries, etc.). $125.
The real star is a long-since disontinued Japanese media/center stand with edges that are bowed upwards. Some imperfections lower the price from $600 to $400.
Probably a few treasures somwhere in this collection. Maybe not. But that's half the fun, eh? Good way for big guys to build a wardrobe. Starting at $5.
A few pieces, inclulding a Costco faux-leather armchair. The new ones (as pictured) go for $360, but mine is alittle more beat up -- although it also has cooler legs -- 3" wood wedges. A little too low to allow a Rumba, but mot comfy chair ever. There's also an old, beat-up, overstuffed couch. But so comfy I often sleep on it. Free to anyone willing to haul it down the stairs.
Used Crock Pot slow-cooks like new. Plates, bowls, mason jars, silverware, etc. Come stalk up for cheap.
Camping gear (including Big Agnes 2-person tent), backpacks, hiking poles, holiday decorations, holiday lights, garden planters, etc. A treasure hunt for those who like to explore!